Contact and committees


Organising Committee:

Scientific Committee

Laura Büchel, Audrey Bonvin, Nathalie Dherbey Chapuis, Silvia Frank Schmid, Luc Fivaz, Linda Grimm, Sybille Heinzmann, Julia Hodson, Philippe Humbert, Flavia Giurastante, Katharina Karges, Alessandra Keller-Gerber, Amelia Lambelet, Nikola Mayer, Marie-Anne Morand, Simone Morehed, Michael Prusse, Olivia Rütti-Joy, Roberto Paternostro, Elisabeth Reiser-Bello Zago, Verónica Sánchez Abchi, Pascale Schaller, Naomi Shafer, Anita Thomas, Zorana Sokolovska, Thomas Studer, Christoph Suter. 


The mission of The Centre for Foreign Language Teaching (CeDiLE) is to cultivate knowledge transfer between practitioners, researchers and educationalists. It provides a network for professionals in the fields of foreign language acquisition, second language learning, heritage languages, and immersion-based approaches across linguistic and non-linguistic disciplines. The CeDiLE maintains a blog publishing event reports, interviews and podcasts with scholars, teachers and students, alongside a calendar and announcements. It also offers in-service training courses, drawing on research insights. The CeDiLe is funded by the Swiss Universities P-9 program, Development of Subject-Specific Education, and HEP|PH FR which manages the grant. The scientific committee is located at the Institute of Multilingualism and the administrative offices at the HEP|PH FR.

The Language Education Expert Group at the Zurich University of Teacher Education counts approximately 90 experts in the following subjects: German, German as a Second Language, English, French and Italian. The group facilitates discourse on topics that are relevant to one or more language subjects and levels, such as teaching reading skills or media and language. There are several subgroups, among them the "Network English Teacher Education" that is associated with the Swiss Association for Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (ADLES). Every summer, this network organizes the Swiss Teacher Training Day at the Zurich University of Teacher Education and cooperates with numerous partners such as the CeDiLE in Fribourg, the University of Fribourg, the HEP|PH FR, and  the Universities of Teacher Education in Heidelberg and Ludwigsburg. 

The Institute of Multilingualism is an independent research institution that conducts basic research and addresses pressing issues and events related to multilingualism. In all projects, collaboration with national and international stakeholders and the public sector forms an integral part of the Institute's approach. Priority research areas include education, human migration, the workplace and institutions as well as methods to evaluate language competence. Founded in 2008, the Institute of Multilingualism is operated jointly by the University of Fribourg and the University of Teacher Education Fribourg and affiliated with both institutions. The Adolphe Merkle Foundation and the Foundation for Research and Development of Multilingualism of the Canton of Fribourg secure its core funding.

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