Poster guidelines


A0 (84.1 x 118.8 cm), portrait (vertical) format. Print your poster in colour. Please have the printed poster ready on the first day of the conference.


Posters are ideally written in English, irrespective of the language of the abstract. This will ensure that as many participants as possible can understand your work and participate in the discussions. Alternatively, posters may also be written in the same language as the abstract. 


Include title, author(s), and affiliation(s). Your poster should outline the objectives of your presentation and focus on an aspect fitting into one of the four categories of the conference:

  1. Research : its relevance and limitations for classroom practice 
  2. Teachers' perspectives : challenges and opportunities in classroom practice and research desiderata  
  3. Teacher education : blending practice orientation with scientific concepts
  4. Cooperation : collaboration between practising teachers and researchers, including the inherent challenges 

Main points to include : main research question(s) or project aim(s) with brief rationale, key methodological information, key points to discuss (questions and challenges regarding the link between practice and theory and vice-versa) to promote discussion among the audience.


Use large-size font to make your poster legible from a distance. Lettering for the postertitle should be at least 70pt; the title of each section at least 40pt and other text no smaller than 30pt.

Leave some open space in the design, use visuals (tables, graphs, photographs, etc.), consider using bullet statements, avoid presenting too much detail. 

It should be obvious where to start inspecting the poster and where to go from there (generally left to right, top to bottom). This can be indicated by numbering sections or by using arrows that graphically lead the viewer through the display.

Poster model 

You can use the Poster_template_RPFLC24.pptx as a starting point for the creation of your own poster. The use of this template is not compulsory. Feel free to use other software and designs that best suit the topic of your poster.

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